In Part 1 of this article, you learned about the speaker bureau paradox and why most bureaus won’t work with you (very often.) But when that time does come, here are the key things you’ll need to know.

So, you’re going to work with a speakers bureau…


Maybe they reached out to you directly after a client’s request.  Maybe they want to add you to their directory and feature you on their website.  Or, maybe the planets were just perfectly aligned and they found you out of the blue!

Either way… when a speakers bureau gets in touch, it’s fine to work with them – as long as it’s not exclusive!

Enter into the relationship with one thing in mind… working with speakers bureaus is a bit different from working with regular clients.

Here are a few key things you’ll need to know.

Quote Your Fee Properly

When you’re talking with a speakers bureau, they like to talk about fee in terms of “net” and “gross.” Now, I typically quote my fees in terms of net. So, I’ll say, “My fee is $20,000 net.”

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