In Part 1 of this article, you discovered the five main reasons why you need a pre-gig ritual. Now, let’s look at specific things you can do to build your own routine.

Holy smokes! Is it possible to be exhausted and energized all at the same time?

I just spent an incredible few days hanging out with thousands of our nation’s top content marketers and speakers in beautiful Washington, DC.

Sure, there was a lot of excitement and hubbub…

(Content Marketing Wooooorld!!)

But that didn’t stop me from sticking to my pre-gig ritual.

My call time was Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. So by 3:30 a.m., I was working my way through all the steps I created to boost my mental and physical well-being – while also increasing my ability to deliver on stage.

Now that you know the main reasons why a pre-gig ritual can impact your performance, let’s look at some specific techniques you might like to try.

Consider this a pick-and-choose buffet of pre-gig practices.  Use whatever you like!

Confidence Boosters

Say your positive affirmations out loud.

It’s a funny thing, but we tend to believe the things we tell ourselves over and over again.  So, try using positive self-talk to reinforce your confidence and remind yourself that you’re good at what you do.

I take a pause in the morning (usually before I hop into the shower) to remind myself...

“No other speaker in the world has rehearsed more than me.  I am prepared for this event.”

Don’t just think of your positive affirmation statement.  Say it out loud.  

Use this as a way to remind yourself of your expertise, your value as a speaker, and your ability to engage with the audience.  It helps get your confidence level up and helps you overcome that nasty imposter syndrome we all tend to deal with at some point or another in our careers.

Visualize your performance and the audience’s reaction.

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