If you read Part 1 of this article, you understand why call for speakers forms are not worth your time or energy. Here, I’ll share a better way to connect with brand new clients.

Hours and hours of precious time… just wasted!

That’s what happens when you use calls for speaker forms to connect with new clients.

I’ve got a better way!

To help illustrate my point, I’ll walk you through the process I used to expand beyond the contractors fractal into a new branch… asphalt contractors!

:: gasp! ::

It might seem like a simple leap, but it takes a bit of finesse to connect with new event organizers out of the blue.  And, certainly, avoid unsolicited emails along the way.

(No one likes unsolicited emails, so don’t send them.)

The entire process starts by identifying one of the biggest power players in your new target fractal… publishers!

Step #1: Identify Publishers

Start by identifying publishers in your new fractal who hold events.

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