A daily rehearsal habit helps you get better – more quickly – so you earn more per gig.

To be a better golfer… you've gotta golf every day.

To be a better writer… you've gotta write every day.

And to be a better speaker… (wait for it)you've gotta speak every day.

Because really, there's just one thing separating a speaker who earns $15,000 from one who earns $20,000… rehearsal.

Truly successful speakers treat their time on stage like a craft – constantly honing skills in the best possible way.

The more often you rehearse your speech, the better you'll get and the faster it will happen.

Speakers who earn the highest fees put in the daily effort to improve their delivery, refine their stories, and strengthen their message. For them, rehearsal isn't just a task for a checklist. It's a HABIT with a permanent spot on the calendar.

So, how can you build your own rehearsal habit? How can you not just improve but improve at a rapid pace to maximize your revenue?

Well, there are a few key components that make it work. But first… a fancy chart for your viewing pleasure…

The Breakthrough Chart for Rehearsal

I hear two main excuses for why speakers don't rehearse. Maybe you've used one of these at some point in your career. (If you have a better excuse, please email me and tell me what it is. I genuinely want to know.)

Excuse #1:
"I don't have enough time…"

Honestly, that's a silly excuse. As a professional speaker, it is literally your job to practice your craft and deliver the best speech possible.

Not rehearsing your speech is like Tiger Woods deciding not to practice his putt. And you won't be a winner with that attitude.

Excuse #2:
"Practicing makes me sound stiff and 'over rehearsed' on stage."

This point comes down to the amount of rehearsal you attempt. If we were to map out the yield curve on the process, it would look like this…

The Breakthrough Chart from The Referable Speaker by Michael Port & Andrew Davis

In the beginning, you feel very comfortable with your speech – even though the overall quality is still relatively low.

But as you spend more time improving bits, tightening stories, and perfecting the timing on jokes, something happens… things begin to feel more UNcomfortable.

There might even be a point when you feel like you've gotten much worse. Welcome to the Trough of Extreme Discomfort…

[cue dramatic music]

Visitors to the Trough of Extreme Discomfort have two options to escape…

They can choose to push forward – continuing to refine, rehearse, and improve their speeches – or they can choose to go back.

Those who go forward will break through to a new level of comfort and achieve a much higher level of performance. Those who turn back are the folks who claim rehearsal made them feel "stiff" and "over-rehearsed" on stage.

So, are you ready to brave the Trough of Discomfort so you can get better, faster, and achieve higher levels of success? If so, here are four things you'll need:

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