If you read Part 1 of this article, you learned about the “worst things” a speaker can do if they want to earn more referrals. Now, let’s look at the other side of the coin… the “best things!”

Today I want to go beyond just “best practices” of a great speaker…

Instead, let's look at EXTRAORDINARY practices of the PHENOMENAL speaker!  

In fact, we’re going to look at seven examples of speakers – and their unique techniques – that have profoundly shaped and inspired my own personal craft… 

… and now they can do the same for you too!

Ann Handley having fun!

Ann and Jay Have a Ton of FUN on Stage

There are two speakers who have shaped my keynote speaking style and approach more than anyone else.  They are Jay Baer and Ann Handley.

And few people I’ve ever seen speak have more fun on stage than Ann and Jay.

It all starts with their look… 

Jay wears these great, funny jackets always with a flower on his lapel.  Then, Ann has these amazing, very stunning, and memorable pants suits that she takes great pride in selecting for specific events.

(My favorite is her black suit patterned from head to toe in bright butterflies!)

From the moment they step on stage, the audience is having fun… mostly because Ann and Jay are having fun… a LOT of fun.  

There’s no doubt in your mind that the next hour will be filled with laughs, smiles, inspiration, and insight.  

Have fun. That’s the most important thing.

Phil Uses Well-Rehearsed Bits to Mix-and-Match Versions of His Speech

This is a technique I’ve seen done expertly by Phil Jones.  

First off, I was startled to learn Phil doesn’t use slides for his speech.  Okay, maybe one slide will be up on display to show his latest book… but other than that… no slides.

Yet, he still manages to keep the audience captivated with his talk from the moment he steps up on stage.  I’ve tried to dissect his secret recipe for keeping his viewers on the edge of their seats.

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