Learn how to include travel costs in your Quotable Fee for more robust negotiations, easier invoicing, and happier clients.

If you read Part 1 of this article, you already know why it's wise to include your travel expenses in your Quotable Fee. Now, let's look at how to find that travel price tag!

I'm headed up to New Jersey next week…

And I can almost guarantee that the cost of ground transportation, a hotel room, and even a simple meal out will be more than it would be here at home.

So, how do I account for those expenses? How do I include my travel expenses in my Quotable Fee? And still not manage to lose money on the gig?

Well, that's our topic for today…

I will teach you how to calculate travel expenses so you can feel confident in your Quotable Fee. Plus, we'll look at how you can adjust your travel fee so you never take home less profit than you should.

Let's go!

The Two Versions of Your Quotable Fee

Traveling to New Jersey is one thing, but let's imagine I'm traveling to Amsterdam in the Netherlands instead. One is a roughly 3-hour flight….the other more than 10.

Plus, you can bet your belt buckle that hotel, ground transportation, and even food costs will be higher in Europe than in the Garden State. So, how can you possibly account for those diverse travel expenses with a single Quotable Fee?

Well, you can't. That's why I always calculate two quotable fees… One covers any gigs in the United States and Canada. The other is for all other International travel.

These rates are revised annually in September before the Fall speaking season starts. I go through the entire process I'm about to show you so I can update my numbers and set a fair rate according to the pricing trends I research.

Okay, that's first. Now, onto calculating those numbers…

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