Sell More of Your Book Using this Method

If you read Part 1 of this article, you learned why a book can be a fantastic asset for your speaking business. Here, let’s look at how you can actually sell more books.

You’ve spent months or years honing your speech.

Your message is sharp… your delivery is great… and your audience is captivated.

And – most exciting of all – your book is published!

For many speakers, this is when they leverage their book to earn gigs, gain credibility, and receive more referrals.  

There’s just one thing missing… actual book sales!

You see, most self-published books sell very few copies.  So, it’s unlikely (but not impossible) that your book will become a bestseller and start flying off the shelves.

That leads us to today’s conversation…

How can you make more money selling your book?

 Well, you might be surprised to learn that you’re leaving money on the table if you’re not selling your book in bulk as part of your speaking package.

And, I’m not talking about using it as an upsell.  Those are the speakers who will say:

“My speaking fee is $10k, but you can buy my book for your audience for an additional $2,500.” 

(Ugh… nobody likes upsells.)

Instead, I want you to consider including your book in your main speaking fee.

Consider this…

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