If you read Part 1, you read my “bubble-bursting” lecture on why you are not the exception to the rule of stageside leads. Now, let’s look at how to go from “good” to “great” without destroying your speech… so you can generate consistent stageside leads!

One of my speeches is good… but not great.

It’s not delivering the kind of punch it needs to generate enough stageside leads.

Have I gotten some stageside leads from it?  Sure.

According to my data tracking… am I generating enough to qualify this speech as referable? A big fat NOPE!

To be specific, I’m only generating an average of 1.2 stageside leads – when I should be getting more like 2.7 per gig.

(Yes, I really track things that closely – and you should too!)

It needs to be better… so I’ve put in three months of hard work to fix the problem areas – all focused around one 4.5 minute section.


Taking a speech from good to great is something all speakers struggle with from time to time.  But many speakers worry that this transformation will actually strip away the magic of what’s good right now.

That’s why I’ve gathered together four pieces of advice to help you navigate this process.  It just takes a bit of care and finesse to make the transition without destroying what is already working well.

And that leads me to my first point…

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