I call it the Costco Catalyst.

It’s a method I’ve learned over the years from many mega-store trips…

One that allows a speaker to take a speech with absolute zero demand into the ranks of a top earner.

But it only works if the speaker can overcome their misconceptions and prejudice around one simple word… free.

(Bear with me on this one!)

Speakers who want to build a strong and sustainable speaking business often balk when they hear the word “free.”  In fact, some get downright offended.  

But, when you use the Costco Catalyst (which I’ll explain in a sec), it’s possible to take that freenote and turn it into a (very high earning) keynote!

RANT: We decided to write about this after I saw a massive ANGRY rant from a speaker about being approached to speak for free on LinkedIn. Here's a hint: don't participate in those posts... event organizers are watching.

BTW, I've written about this before...

Be Kind… Rewind Your Attitude Around Free Gigs
To speak for free or not? The controversy rages on among speakers. Find out why some consider it a savvy move, while others find it offensive.

Don't get angry. Get stageside leads.

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