Dan just closed a full-fee gig after one of his referral ring speaker buddies forwarded his contact information to an event organizer!

BOOM! Congratulations, Dan Gingiss!

Here's the thing. Dan wrote me an email asking exactly how he should 'thank' the speaker who referred him.

We know that referrals are your most valuable lead source.

When someone refers you for an event, it's a true testament to your expertise and reputation.

However, many speakers do not follow through with the people who refer them, ultimately damaging their referral network and jeopardizing the powerful relationships that generate future gigs. (BTW, I'm not saying Dan doesn't follow up... in fact, most people aren't as meticulous as Dan.)

So, before answering Dan's question, I decided to walk through exactly why following through with your referral relationships is crucial and provide a few tips on maintaining those relationships.

The Importance of Follow-Through

I refer a ton of speakers, and I'll be honest. 99% of the speakers I refer have terrible follow-through.

What's follow-through?
It's simply maintaining an open line of communication with the person who referred you as it pertains to the event they sent your way.

Here's my experience:

Let's say I refer you for an event. Most of you send me a thank you email for the referral. You move me to BCC, which I appreciate. Then...

🦗 Crickets...

Months go by.

🦗🦗🦗 Crickets...

Eventually, I'll text you and ask, "Hey, whatever happened to that gig I sent your way?"

Invariably, I get a text that goes something like this:

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I meant to let you know, but I got the gig and will speak next week. Thanks again for thinking of me!"

And that's it. If this is how most of you are following through with your referrals, we're in trouble.

We must prioritize follow-through with our referral relationships.

It's essential to remember that referrals are your most valuable lead source, and they require high-quality nurturing.

Why Don't We Follow Through?

Maybe you're too busy? Maybe you forget about the origin of the lead as you focus on closing the gig. (I get it!)

Or maybe, you just aren't aware of how valuable the act of following through is.

Regular follow-up for a referral is crucial for three reasons:

  • Gratitude: Acknowledging someone's support and trust in you to deliver for their audience builds goodwill and encourages them to refer you again.
  • Referral Network: Nurturing relationships with those who refer you strengthens your referral network. People who feel valued and appreciated are much more likely to refer you again.
  • Trust and Loyalty: Regular follow-up demonstrates your commitment to the relationship and shows that you're professional. It builds trust and loyalty, making them more likely to refer you again.

You'll increase your chances of receiving more referrals by fostering meaningful connections and reinforcing your reputation as a high-quality and professional keynote speaker.

All you have to do is follow through.

How to Follow Through

Now that you understand the importance of follow-through, here are a few key concepts for great referral follow-up:

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