It’s Rachael, your Editor-in-Chief.

This week, Andrew and I wanted to share why your speaker website is NEVER actually done.

Ugh… never done…  

As someone who loves to check off boxes, I can understand how this idea can make your skin crawl.  It’s much more satisfying to know that you can put your energy and resources towards a project, make it amazing, and then move on.

But, when it comes to your website, this mentality can actually do your speaking business a huge disservice.

To start, let’s look at the two mentalities most speakers hold when it comes to their website.

The ‘Set It and Forget It’ Mentality

This is one we’ve all fallen into from time to time.

It’s where you don’t necessarily need to know the ins and outs of your website structure and design.

Instead, you might pay a professional thousands of dollars to make your speaking site look amazing.  Or, maybe you take a few weeks and put all of your energy into building the site to reflect your personality and processes.

Then… you let it go.

Sometimes for months or even years.  The ‘set it and forget it’ speaker doesn’t return regularly to their site for updates, fixes, or improvements.

Instead, the site just sits there, with possibly outdated content, antiquated clips of your speeches, and stale versions of your session description that no longer represent the true experience you offer your audiences.

Hmm… are you guilty of being a ‘set it and forget it’ speaker?

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