Does Your Speaking Business Need a Book?
So many speakers have best-selling books… or do they?
Bestselling author & keynote speaker. Sold a digital marketing agency. Teaching leaders how to grow their businesses & leave their legacy. Co-Author of The Referable Speaker.
So many speakers have best-selling books… or do they?
How to manage your rehearsal schedule when you have multiple speeches ready to go.
Here’s why rehearsing your speech is crucial to higher fees and more business.
Learn what you can do when your speech’s time is suddenly (and unexpectedly) cut short.
Don’t panic when your 60-minute speech is suddenly cut to 45 minutes.
Learn how to navigate the conversation when your event organizer wants too many themes.
Caution: some event organizers want you to cover way too many concepts in one speech.
Speakers mess up that initial phone call all the time. Here’s a better way…
Ready to absolutely tank your chances of winning a gig? Do this…