How do you turn a soft lead into a firmly booked client?

With a Client Theme Call, that’s how!

Done correctly, this simple call can literally transform your business – helping you better understand your prospects and nail down more gigs.

A Client Theme Call is a 25-minute call between you and the event organizer designed to solidify, clarify, and discuss their event needs.

It’s conducted with every prospect who puts a date on hold and will help determine if you are the right person to speak at their next event.

But it has to be done correctly… or else you’re wasting a huge opportunity to earn a signed speaker agreement.

Here’s why you need a “new and improved” Client Theme Call in your sales process…

Don’t Make These 3 Major Mistakes

In defining what a Client Theme Call is, we should also discuss what it is not…

First, it’s not a chance to brag.

I know it’s tempting… but this isn’t the time to regale your prospect with the amazing events you’ve headlined in the past. There's no need to rifle through the long list of impressive media coverage you've received. Don't name-drop… or humble brag about the sales numbers of your latest book.

A Client Theme Call is NOT about you.

It’s called a “client theme call” for a reason. It should be all about the client – their audience… their desperate needs… their industry problems… their events… them!

So, when you get on the phone or zoom chat, be prepared to ask questions, sit back, and listen.

Listen. Listen. Listen.


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