If you read Part 1 of this article, you learned about the three types of events where you shouldn’t expect to earn a lot of stageside leads. Today, let’s look at six methods so you can maximize referrals at these low stageside lead events.

Let’s face it…

Some events just don’t generate many stageside leads!

Maybe you’re speaking at an entrepreneur-related event, one that’s for local-only organizations, or even an internal corporate meeting.  At each of these gigs, you might not have a crowd of people waiting to talk to you, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t an opportunity.

We’re going to examine six ways to maximize your potential for faster referrals and how to generate a few stageside leads even at these “low stageside lead events.”

So, put on your garden gloves…

And let’s start planting some seeds to grow your Referral Tree!

Casually Ask About Associations

Regardless of your event, members of your audience are bound to be members of some sort of association or organization.  Maybe it’s the American Marketing Association, a human resources association, or the CFOs of America.

Your job is to casually dig up those details and then plant the seed of an idea.

This might be a little harder than if you were at a typical event.  The audience members are not immediately thinking about other groups that would love to hear your speech.

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