If you read Part 1 of this article, you learned why your efforts to pre-qualify prospects might actually be losing you gigs… and earning you the dreaded label of “rude speaker.” Here’s how you fix this communication conundrum!

Let’s cut to the chase…

You should never shut down an opportunity by trying to “prequalify” a lead.  

Instead, talk with every person who asks about your speaking. 

And conduct yourself so you can increase your reputation within the industry… rather than earning the dreaded label of “rude speaker.” 

Today, let’s look at five ways to gently let organizers down when their budget and dates aren’t a good fit.

1. Show Extreme Appreciation

First, you’ll want to express your gratitude and appreciation…

… your extreme gratitude and appreciation.

“Gosh, I’m so happy you called.  This sounds like a wonderful event.  Thank you for considering me as your speaker!”
Thank the person who called, and then make a separate call to the person who referred you to thank them as well! Make sure everyone knows how grateful you are for their interest.

Tell them how much you value their invitation to speak more than anything in the world.  After all, that’s why you’re a speaker – to be invited onto stages!

When the topic of money comes up, make it clear that the invitation matters most.  The fact that they can’t afford you is immaterial in comparison.

2. Be Timely and Responsive

Next, you’ll want to be speedy with your response.  Imagine you just got off a client theme call with a potential client where you learned their date and budget were less than ideal.  

Maybe you said something like this…

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