If you read Part 1 of this article, you discovered why those humble brags in your speech may be hurting your referability. Now, let’s look at some clever ways to impress potential clients a different way.

Don’t be a humble braggart… just be humble.

It sounds like a pretty simple ask, but when you consider everything at stake – new gigs, powerful clients, opportunities for growth, and revenue – it can be hard to put a stopper on that burst of boastful exuberance.

Many speakers are just so desperate to make the audience aware of all the great things they’ve done.  That’s why they brag (humbly) about the dozens of events where they’ve spoken … the big-name clients they’ve helped… and the powerful companies they’ve influenced.

So, how can you share all of this relevant information with your audience in a truly humble, NON-braggy way? Here are five techniques that will help…

Rethink Your Client Stories

Sure.  You’ve helped some pretty amazing clients achieve jaw-dropping results…  

But telling your audience how you built a website that converts at a rate 150% higher than before is a humble brag.

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