In Part 1 of this article, we discussed why you should stop trying to customize your speech in favor of just customizing your Session Description. Now, let’s dig into the specific steps to get the job done...

A basic Session Description can be a powerful sales tool…

But a customized Session Description?

THAT, my friends, is where the real magic lies.

Today I’ll share some ways you can amplify the power of your session description…

… so it’s laser focused on exactly what your clients want – and need – for their stage.

But, before you customize anything, you’ve gotta start with one big essential… a “good” session description.  :)

In other words, you can’t turn a weak session description into a customized powerhouse. You need the right starting ingredients for this process to work. So, if you haven’t already, read this post on how to craft your own “good” description

Then, you’ll be ready for a customization transformation

Three Important Things to Know

If you recall from Part 1, this topic was inspired by a note from one of our Premium members named John.  He lost a gig after another speaker wooed the client with fancy talk of a “tailored message” for the audience.

To be clear, there was absolutely nothing wrong with John’s Session Description.  It definitely qualified as “good” according to my definition. In fact, it was a pretty darn strong generic session description!

What it lacked was a few customized tweaks to show his client he understood the audience.  These are small changes, but they make a big difference in showing the client you really understand their event and audience.

To make these adjustments for your own description, here are three important pieces of information to gather during your Client Theme Call:

One: What do they call their audience?

While you’re talking with your event organizer, listen closely to the exact terms they use to refer to their audience.  When you demonstrate that you understand these nuanced terms, you’ll be able to show the client you really hear them and understand what they need.

You’d be amazed at the number of terms companies use to describe their people:

  • Sometimes, it’s clients.
  • Sometimes, it’s customers.
  • Sometimes, it’s associates… or partners, or guests, or visitors, or travelers!

Then there are some goofy industry-specific or company-specific terms:

  • Credit unions call them members.
  • Apple calls them geniuses.
  • Google calls them Googlers.
  • Disney calls them cast members.
  • Zappos calls them family.
  • Nordstrom calls them… wait for it… Nordies!

(That last one cracks me up!)

If you refer to the customers or employees with the wrong terms, your event organizers immediately feel like you don’t get them… you didn’t hear them… you won’t connect with their audience.

So, you’ve got to know the exact words they use to describe their audience. Okay?  That’s an easy one… but again… it’s a game changer.

Moving on…

Two: What problem are they trying to solve for the audience?

Remember, the event organizer contacted you for a very specific reason. They’re hoping you’ll be able to solve a big problem their audience members are facing.

So, you need to be crystal clear on what this problem is:

  • Are they facing a severe employee retention problem?
  • Are they looking to close deals faster?
  • Is the industry struggling to increase their margins?
  • Are they completely burnt out?

If you understand these problems, you can mention those issues in your Session Description… and make it very clear your speech is designed to help.  In fact, you’ll want to be super specific on exactly how your speech helps fix this problem.  That’s next…

Three: What exactly in your speech will help them tackle these problems?

Now, it’s time to link their problem up with a section of your speech.  For instance, if they’re struggling to retain employees, highlight the specific lesson in your performance that will actually address this.  Essentially, you’re saying…

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