Have you ever found expired food in the back of your fridge?

Maybe it’s that open container of ricotta cheese you had planned to use for Italian night…

Only it got pushed to the back, hidden behind the pickles… and then forgotten. 

By the time you dig it out, it has a film of <ICK> growing on top.  Gross!

Into the trashcan it goes!

Sure, food has a shelf life, but one of our readers, Julie Brown, recently asked an interesting question...

“Last year - I wrote a brand new speech and I'm in the "getting traction" mode for it now - but I'm always wondering what's next AND does my signature workhorse speech have an expiration date.”

Great question, Julie.  Thanks so much for writing in.

And, short answer… Yes, speeches absolutely have a shelf life!

The length of that shelf life depends on the speech’s content and how it aligns with current trends or timeless principles.  

Put another way, the topic and content of your speech determine if it will become irrelevant in just a few years… or have the power to last. You can predict your speech’s shelf life by plotting it on the Visionary Matrix.  

Don’t worry.  I’ll walk you through the process…

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