I just received an inquiry to give a closing keynote at an event in October…

Sure, I’m thrilled!

But, at the same time, I’m a little disappointed.

For a “surprise and delight speaker” like me, closing keynotes are actually less valuable than opening keynotes.

That’s why I’m undertaking a mission…!

… a mission to inspire my prospect to change their mind – and change the time when I’ll be speaking to their audience.

So, the mystery remains.  Why is one better than the other?

Let’s dive into five reasons.

The Time of Peak Engagement

Take a moment and think back to the last event you attended…  

The opening session was probably packed with fresh, eager attendees full of enthusiasm. Every person was well-rested, well-caffeinated, and ready to absorb whatever message was spoken from the stage.

So generally, the highest session attendance for any event was right here… at the opening keynote. When you snag this timeslot, you maximize your potential audience and impact.

You’re also maximizing your chance for referrals and stageside leads!

Then, after the opening session, people start to dribble off…

Energy begins to wane after long, information-packed days.  By the time the last session rolls around, attendees are tired, overwhelmed… and mentally checked out.  


Think About Networking Opportunities

If the tired attendees aren’t enough to convince you that opening keynotes are better, then think about what happens after a closing keynote is done.

People leave!

Literally, the place clears out.  People say their goodbyes, catch their Ubers, and within a matter of minutes, the venue is a ghost town. It’s just a little hard to network with executives and other decision-makers when they aren’t even there. 

On the other side of the spectrum is opening keynotes…

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