Don’t Judge a Lead By Its Cover
It’s easy to dismiss people and brands you don’t know as small players without a budget.
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It’s easy to dismiss people and brands you don’t know as small players without a budget.
Knowing who a client chooses when they don’t choose you can be incredibly helpful...
Flying coach can feel like a chore, but first class isn’t always affordable.
Like the Loch Ness Monster of the speaking world… some swear by its existence and effectiveness, while others, well, not so much.
We all want lucrative corporate gigs… but where do we consistently find them?
The Needy Fee Matrix: Your Guide to Gigs Worth Your Wit Spotting the Gigs That Make You Go, "Hmm..." Before You Say, "Oh, no!"
Done well… a memorable signature bit can increase your fees and skyrocket your referability.
Using the word “I” is tempting, but earning stageside leads is what really matters.
We're diving into the nuances of travel buyouts and all-inclusive fees for professional speakers.