“Tell them what you’re going to tell them, then tell them, and then tell them what you told them.”

Sound familiar? 

Yup.  This rule has been drilled into speakers for decades…

… and it’s why agenda slides are still lurking in way too many presentations. 

But here’s the thing: it’s time to break the rule!

Kill the agenda slide. 

Trust me. 

Your presentations will be more potent, more engaging, and waaaay more memorable without it.

(I can see you’re nervous… but take a breath… and let’s look at the specifics…)

The Agenda Slide Problem: Three Fatal Flaws

In December, I sat through six sessions at an event. Every single one of them started with an agenda slide. 

And you know what? It was painful. 

Each time, the energy drained from the room faster than you can say...

“Here’s what we’ll cover today.”

Here’s why agenda slides don’t work:

1. They Kill Momentum Before It Even Starts

Your audience is there to be captivated, not to get a roadmap. An agenda slide is the equivalent of opening a blockbuster movie with a list of every plot point you’re about to see. 

Imagine sitting in the theater to see Jaws for the first time, and someone walks out to address the audience…

“Yes. Thank you for coming to see Jaws.  Today, you will see a mysterious shark eat people over and over again.  But you won’t get to see the shark’s actual size until later in the movie.  Then, it will eat more people before it’s eventually blown up by our hero.  Enjoy!”

See what I mean? It’s boring. 

Instead of hooking your audience, you’re handing them a snooze button.

2. They Undermine Curiosity

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