I’m writing to you today from *somewhere* in South Carolina…  

Where, you ask? Ha… good question! We pulled off the highway last evening blurry-eyed and exhausted from our 956-mile flight along the Atlantic coast trying to outrun the storm.

Just because I’m amid this annual migration south doesn’t mean there isn’t time for smart business...

In fact, I recently conducted a client theme call with a bunch of contractors who sell windows, siding, doors, roofs and… well… that sort of stuff. 

Now, I know basically nothing about this industry, so my personal relevance to this audience is practically nil.  But my speech is actually a really great fit for their event.  

So, this begs the question…

How can you use your next 30-minute client theme call to pitch your speech even when your own personal relevance is low? 

You’ve already done all your preparation for the client theme call.  But now, it’s time to look at the reasons why pitching your speech on a client theme call is so important.  

One Speech at a Time

First, remember… your speech is the cake.  

In other words, any fancy marketing, podcast appearances, books, or other bells and whistles you offer as a speaker are the icing on the cake…

But the speech is what REALLY matters.

So, go into your next client theme call with the solid mindset that you are selling your speech… and not selling yourself. Specifically, you are selling just ONE of your speeches.

You should have already pre-selected your speech before the call, picking the one speech that is the perfect fit for their audience.  Don’t go into this call with a library of speech options for them to choose from.  

Instead, you’re solely focused on just one speech that will make their event amazing.  Here are four reasons why this makes sense…

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