If you read Part 1 of this article, you learned why speaker one-sheets are no longer the best way to market yourself as a speaker. Here, let’s look at some modern alternatives that provide much more customization and pizzazz!

Yes.  It’s time to ditch the speaker one-sheet…

And use that freed-up brain energy to enhance a few modern assets you already have in place – making them bigger, better, and more effective than any PDF could ever be.

I have four ideas for you today.

But First… 

Let’s recall our previous talk about discussion documents.  These are custom webpages you create (and customize) for new clients after you’ve had their client theme calls.  

Really, a discussion document contains most (if not all) of the items you’d normally put on a speaker one-sheet.

But instead of being on a static, hard-to-update, non-customized PDF, the information is displayed on a dynamic, easy-to-view webpage, which you tailor to that exact client and their audience.

As my friend Drewdini would say… “Shazam!!”

Once you get the process figured out, it doesn’t take much effort to set up a new webpage on your site so you can deliver something with a much higher perceived value to your event organizer.

And the real beauty here?  


Your custom discussion document will have your own branding flare along with personalized information for your event organizer – things just not possible on the web back in 1998.  It’s the perfect resource for your event organizer to share with their colleagues while they are making the decision of which speaker to hire.

And honestly?  A speaker one-sheet PDF will feel pretty lame compared to a custom webpage if they are trying to decide between you and someone else.

If you want to stand out, a discussion document with a customized session description – one tailored for their specific audience and fractal – is going to make all the difference in the world. You’ll look professional… and valuable.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s move onto the four assets you can build (or adjust) to really impress potential clients instead of using those speaker one-sheets.

Alternative #1: Personalized Video

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