Eliot Wagonheim disrobes on stage like Superman…

Judson Laipply hustles through his “Evolution of Dance…”

Brene Brown tells a hilarious story of swimming in a lake with her husband…

These bits are so transformational… so insightful… so provocative… and so unique… they are shared and remembered by everyone who sees them.

Behold the power of a signature bit!

A signature bit is a section of your speech that is crafted and performed to drive home a point. Think of it as a 3-7 minute piece of educational content performed with theatricality that solidifies your brand. Only YOU can do it with the same effect.

Most speakers I know want to increase their fees and get more stageside leads.  And the fastest way to do this is to make your speech more entertaining – by improving your signature bit.

I’m not talking about just adding a signature bit if you’re lacking one.  No, I’m talking about creating a signature bit that is so memorable, provocative, and transformational that it has a dramatic effect on your fees AND referability.

(Before you start shaking your head… hear me out.)

You see, you don’t need to be satisfied with your speech’s current signature bit that’s “just okay.” It’s time to amp up the volume and transform this section of your speech into a word-of-mouth powerhouse.

Here’s why…

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