If you read Part 1 of this article, you got the basics for how you can maximize your time in any city you visit – while strengthening relationships and growing new opportunities. Now, let’s look at the specifics…

You’re in a new city for a gig…

With precious little time to spare…

Yet you want to make the most of your stay… 

So you can strengthen your relationships and possibly open up new opportunities for the future.

It’s time to use the City Maximizer Method.  

(Yesss… let’s do this!)

Okay, the basic idea here is to reach out to new and existing contacts you have in any given city.  This comes in the form of visitors to your speech performance, coffee chats, and even full meals out.

So, how do you connect with the right type of people first when every minute of your time is pulling from that energy tank (which is already near exhaustion?)

Well, the first step is easy…

The Obvious Prerequisite

You need a way to reach out to your people.  A very important prerequisite for this entire concept is that you must have a way to record and track the location where your contacts live.

After all, how will you know who might be in the area if you don’t know who lives close by?  Keep in mind, some people might live in one city and then work remotely (and host events) in another city halfway across the country.  

Now, if you don’t track this information in your CRM, that’s okay.  Often, you can use a LinkedIn search to find people in a city or region. 

Before you visit a new city for a gig, take a few moments to pop over there and do a little research on who you know in that area.

Reach Out to These 3 Types of Event Organizers 

I already spilled the beans on the three types of people you’ll want to connect with in a new city.  They are 1) event organizers, 2) other speakers, and 3) business contacts.  But, let’s get much more specific on who and how you contact each of these groups.

For instance, there are three types of event organizers I’ll reach out to – and always in a very specific order.

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