How to End Your Speech with the BANG It Deserves (Rather Than a Q&A)
Time to move that lame Q&A and end your speech with the power it deserves!
The Goal: Be the easiest speaker in the world to work with.
Time to move that lame Q&A and end your speech with the power it deserves!
Event organizers place a huge amount of value on the Q&A, but do it the right way.
How to Find Those Whizz-Bang Stories to Make Your Message Pop (and Keep Your Audience’s Attention)!
Many speakers who try to dive into deep personal storytelling end up falling victim to one of the hidden phenomenons that plague stages across the land. I call it “audience disassociation.”
Revise your speech to satisfy the loud few… reach more people and earn more gigs!
The fine art of dealing with an organizer who goes quiet once your client theme call is done.
It would be great to get a nice chipper reply from every query… but that’s not how it works.
My pre-stage routine has been a tremendous help over the years. Now, it’s your turn!
They sit up straighter… their interest is piqued… and they can’t wait to hear your message. BEHOLD, the power of your intro script!