What the tech!?

Have you given any thought to your tech stack?

This includes all of the software, apps, communication tools – and more apps – you’ll use to run your successful speaking business.

Let’s take some time to look at the main categories of tech you should be thinking about.  Then, in part two, we’ll dive into the specific tools I recommend most.

Remember, you’re running a real business.  And every business today needs the right technology to help things run effectively and efficiently.

Let’s get to it!

Tech to Track Your Money

First things first…

You need to get paid.  And this means you’ll need some accounting software.

Now, I’m not just talking about an Excel spreadsheet or a written ledger you keep tucked under your mattress.

You’ll need some program to log your expenses, write invoices, and keep track of payments and bills.  This tool should also link with your credit card and bank accounts so you can be efficient with your record-keeping.

So, make sure you find some really good accounting software so you can get paid.

Sending Speaker Agreements

Speaking of getting paid, you’ll need professional-looking speaker agreements.

A lot of people will use Google Docs or Microsoft Word to create these documents.  And that’s fine, but I’ve learned that if you use a tool that looks really professional on the output, it makes a big difference.

It will keep you more organized, the document will be clear and easy to read, and it will be consistent with the same template items used over and over again.

Pick a speaker agreement document tool that is easy to use.  Some of these can be expensive, but you’ll want to invest in the right technology that works to make great-looking professional speaker agreements.

Tech So You Can Pay Others

Getting paid is great.  But you’ll also need to pay others.

It’s a good idea to get a credit card to use solely for your speaking business.  This way, you can track all of your expenses.

For instance:

  • Attach it to your Uber account for an easy record of your ground transportation when you’re on location for a gig,
  • Use it to buy airline tickets and earn miles so you can save on travel,
  • And buy even more tech and software with your credit card so those expenses can later be deducted on your taxes.

Finally, link your credit card to your accounting software so all the systems communicate easily with one another.

If you use vendors, contractors, or team members for your business, you’ll also need some payment platform so you can easily pay them for their work. (We'll talk about this more tomorrow.)

3 Types of Outreach Technology

In order to win gigs… you’ll need to be in touch with your potential clients.  So, let’s look at three types of outreach programs you’ll need in your tech stack…

One: Email

You’ll need an email client. That one feels pretty obvious.

What might not be so obvious is that you’ll want something that’s cloud-based – not just desktop-based. It helps with long-term growth to allow your team members to have access. This way, you can stay organized and respond to all of your fans quickly and efficiently.

Two: CRM

We’ll talk more about this topic tomorrow.  For now, CRM stands for Customer (or Client) Relationship Management tool.

This allows you to track all those inbound inquiries, gigs, contacts who’ve subscribed to your newsletter, and fans who want to know about updates on your website.  Basically, the CRM allows you to track every person you interact with for your business.

Try to pick a CRM that has at least some marketing automation so you can stay organized. Your whole goal should be to keep up with communication. The tool should keep you honest and ensure that you and your team are on the same page.

Just remember… if you put crap in, you’ll get crap out.

So, you’ll need to first invest in a good CRM and then keep up with your data entry.  It can only help you keep your contacts informed and engaged if you use it as it was intended.

Three: Website and Content Management Tools

This is our last sub-category in the outreach section.  You’ll need a website… something that’s easy to update, clean-looking, and professional.

Your website will be your place to house all of those testimonials, new speeches, and videos you’re recording.  It gives you a place for your content to live online.

We actually just totally redesigned my website, and I’ve been able to add pages very quickly (which I love!)  So, pick a website platform that is easy to manage.

Team Tech

Now, maybe you don’t have a team for your speaking business (yet.)  So,  you’re thinking: “Gosh, I guess I can just skip this section.”

Well, DON’T!

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