Exactly How to Create Your Own Pre-Speech Ritual
Rituals, confidence boosters, and focus enhancers elite speakers swear by.
Deliver a stellar performance and a transformational experience to maximize your stageside leads.
Rituals, confidence boosters, and focus enhancers elite speakers swear by.
My pre-stage routine has been a tremendous help over the years. Now, it’s your turn!
They sit up straighter… their interest is piqued… and they can’t wait to hear your message. BEHOLD, the power of your intro script!
It’s time to explore the best little tool to get your audience psyched for your speech.
Unlock the secrets to acing your tech checks and creating a flawless performance with these expert tips!
Discover the often underestimated significance of the tech check in the speaker experience, and learn how to strategically leverage it to build strong client relationships, ensure seamless presentations, and maximize audience impact.
Don’t hire a speaking assistant until you’ve experienced each of these five scenarios.
How to get past the fear of people “stealing” your slides and reap some pretty snazzy benefits.
If your slide deck is the manifestation of your very best work… should you share it?